Greetings, my sweet friends! On this very Sunday we will have another dhrupad and sound yoga session. We will delve deep into the world of harmonies and investigate the subtle world of our internal instrument. We will pick another raga that suits with the mood and resonates in us on this beautiful morning.. and perhaps even touch the world of rhytms. There is so much to discover!
I have to thank everyone who shared their voices on last Sunday! It was truly surprising how much strenght and beauty was hidden inside of you.. And on this saturday we will move on, deeper into our musical patterns so deeply ingrained into all of us!
Dhrupad workshop will be happening on upcoming Sunday, the 31st of March, at 11:30 in Päikesetuba. Please arrive a 15 minutes early and have a cup of tea with us.. so you and your instrument could relax and get comfortable with the space and people before we start.
Also i would do a shoutout for a jam session on the night before in the same place. This will be different type of event.. we will make a lot of noise, sing, dance… Take along a rhythm instrument (if not djeme then at least a shaker) to play along and dance with us! If not, i have plenty of them for share. There will be gongs and bowls, exotic instruments, guest musicians, candle light and many beautiful people By now those semi-weekly events have became a beautiful tradition and i’m looking forward to add another one into the line! This will happen on Saturday, 30th of March at 6pm, click here for more information.
See you on the weekend!